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Spirit Yachts

  • ClientSpirit Yachts
  • LeatherAquamarine Blueink

Crest’s Aquamarine Blueink Leather is expertly crafted and used in Spirit Yachts, a world leader in modern classic yacht design and build. Spirit Yachts offers a portfolio of customised wooden sail and power yachts, each tailored to the owner’s desires. Their team of designers and naval architects collaborates with each owner, ensuring every detail is considered. Crest is proud to be a part of this innovative design.

With its stunning shade of Aquamarine Blueink, this high-quality leather from adds a touch of luxury and sophistication. Moreover, the color perfectly complements the wooden elements of the yacht, enhancing its classic yet contemporary aesthetic.

Furthermore, the craftsmanship and attention to detail that Crest’s Aquamarine Blueink Leather represents perfectly align with their philosophy. These yachts are not only beautiful but also highly functional and performance-driven, embodying the perfect balance between tradition and modernity.

Photography of Spirit Yachts showcases the elegance and timeless beauty of these bespoke vessels. From their sleek lines to their meticulous finishes, every aspect of a Spirit Yacht exudes excellence. Additionally, by incorporating Crest’s Aquamarine Blueink Leather, these yachts become even more exceptional, creating an unforgettable sailing experience for their owners.

Crest’s Aquamarine Blueink Leather adds a touch of class and elegance to Spirit Yachts, enhancing their beauty and performance.